Free SMSF and Tax Seminars by ATO

Seminars for trustees of self-managed super funds
The ATO offers seminars to trustees of self-managed super funds (SMSFs) to help them increase their knowledge about their responsibilities and obligations.

The two seminars that we offer are held at various locations around Australia during the year.

For existing trustees

Our seminar for existing trustees is 'Running a self-managed super fund'.

This seminar provides an in-depth look at the rules and regulations that govern super with respect to SMSFs.

The topics covered in this seminar are:

your obligations as a trustee when running an SMSF
the ability of the fund to accept contributions and rollovers, including the rules around the age of the member and the types of contributions
your duties and responsibilities when making investment decisions and managing your fund's investments
paying benefits when your members are legally allowed to access them
reporting and administrative obligations, including lodgment of the annual return and record-keeping requirements
where to go for more help and information.

'Running a self-managed super fund' is not intended for new trustees or those individuals thinking of starting an SMSF.

Who should attend:

trustees who have been running their own fund for more than 18 months
trustees who outsource a considerable amount of the management of the fund.

For new and intending trustees

Our seminar for new and intending SMSF trustees is 'Role and responsibilities of new trustees'.

This seminar covers the essentials that you need to know about being a self-managed super fund trustee.

The topics covered in this seminar are:

your role and responsibilities as a trustee
what you need to know and put in place when you start to operate your fund
accepting contributions and paying members' benefits
additional information to help you run your fund
where to go for more help and information.

Who should attend:

trustees who have been running a fund for less than 18 months
people intending to become a trustee.

Register for a seminar

Free tax seminars for rental property owners
We offer free seminars for rental property owners and those thinking about obtaining an investment.

Seminars are run in all capital cities and in some regional areas. They take about two hours to present.

You will learn about tax issues relevant to owning and maintaining a rental property and receive answers to your questions.

Topics to be covered:

purchasing a rental property
owning a rental property
deductible expenses
repairs versus improvements
capital and private expenses
selling a rental property
capital gains tax, and
record keeping.