Genuine Enquiry from Agent???

I have had an agent call up and ask if I was interested in selling. When I asked they admitted that I was not targeted specifically, they were just ringing around trying to get business.

That's just annoying, but when an agent turned up on my doorstep for exactly the same reason I asked for his card and then rang up the principal and told him if I was interested in selling his would be the last agency I would ever approach.

Flyers are unwelcome, phone calls more so, but door kocking is just intrusive.

Or am I just a grumpy old man...?

No, you are normal. Or; I'm a grumpy old man too.

At least you open the door...if someone comes to my front door and knocks, I KNOW I don't know them. I call out from behind the door "who is it?", and if they are not someone I know, I tell them I'm not interested and to go away, without opening the door.

All my friends just walk straight around to the back door and come in.