Glad they're on our side

A man and his young son went into a cafe for a coffee and an icecream.

The son had a one dollar coin he was playing around with.

Next thing you know the boy was choking on the coin.

The father was very distraught but couldnt seem to help his son.

A very prim and proper lady was sitting there having a coffee.

She calmly stood up and walked over to the boy.

Grabbed him by the testicles and started squeezing.

HALLELUJAH the boy coughed up the coin.

Very gratefully the father thanked the lady.

Then he asked her "are you a doctor or something?"

"Oh no" she said "I work for the ATO" :)
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Hope you thought it was amusing :)
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Guessing Competition

This could result in a guessing competition.

The rescuer wasn't from Tax - it would have removed one or both testicles being completely insensitive to the client's later viability.

Could have been someone from the Education Dept - well meaning but entirely off the mark because they don't understand boys very well.
(You have to disregard the good result because it was a complete fluke that the 'remedy' worked.)

C'mon a blue jelly bean to the person who can pick the right public dept or authority.
Department of mines

perhaps it would be a department related to mining. i.e They come in, grab your most important assets, squeeze what they can out of then, and then give them back, although not quite the same as before....