Greasetrap cleaning

Anyone know if the tenant is responsible for cleaning out greasetraps in a NSW RTA? Thought they would be seeing as they put the sludge down the drain? Smell has become apparent on vacating.
Hi Simon,

this will be dependent upon what is in the lease ie: is it a net or gross lease; are usage costs/services charges recoverable from the tenant? have they been billed for these costs/are they paying them?

Are you still holding the bond or has this been released to them?

Have they relocated or gone broke?

(should be in the commercial property forum section).
Treat as per sewerage line.

Tenant has first right to rectify the issue (ensure that this was given to them in writing with a sunset date) and then if nothing happens, do it yourself and take from bond.
My understanding as a landlord you are to provide a maintained system. BUT

The tenant must leave the property in the same condition as it was when they moved in. This means that if there was a clean and working trap then they must leave it in the same condition.

It would be the tenants cost if they abused the system. If they overloaded the trap, used products there were advised not to use, or put foreign objects into the system.

So if your maintenance program says it should only need to be emptied every 2 years but the tenant has been in there only 12 months and its has to be cleaned out and its not working as it should. Then yep tenants expense.
Wow a property with a grease trap. Been a long time since I have seen one of those. Interesting, there is nothing on the NSW website or the QLD one. Drains are the responsibility of the landlord. Does the agency have any prior experience that may assist.