How to assess value

I wish to purchase an apartment in my SMSF up $475k including all costs. I receive emails from various brokers offering what they believe is a good property to purchase. These purchases cover the majority of States expect Tasmania and range in price from $300k to $700k, and some these come with a 6-8% rental gaurantee.

How does one assess value of one property against another another property to work out which is the best value for money purchase?
I asked someone the other day to put me in contact with a "good" buyers agent with a view of having someone indepedent to help me assess the options. Received an email from that buyers agents, who said, if I was prepared to act fast he had this renovation of a small group of town houses, that would provided exceptional capital gain. This was not the response I expected from someone who is meant to be indepedent.

Am I expecting to much from these buyers agent? Should I join one of those property buying clubs such as TIC?

I just can't sort through all the information and options.

Any help / advise would be greatly appreciated
My three pieces of advice gained from reading this forum:

1) In most cases a rental guarantee = run!!!

2) When a person is recommending you properties for free it aint free = run!!!

3) When a Buyers Agent (BA) works for you its usually on a fee for service basis and as a Buyer you usually would only employ one at a time so if you have many doing it simultaneously for free then they are not you normal BA. Look else where or seek out one of the respected BAs on this forum for advice.