husband has bad credit

If the defaults aren't his fault, ring up the relevant companies/ombudsman, whatever you need to to get it sorted! Why put your life on hold for years and pay money that you shouldn't owe? Phone companies will still have details of the defaults, and you should be able to get copies of the bills quite easily.
they are listed either way; paying them off wont make it easier to get the loan now...BUT it will help later down the track as you correctly mentioned.

If your after finance sooner rather then later: Then your loan MUST be "Presented" very well...hi-light the positive/strengths of the deal but still disclosure the negatives.

1. There are non-conforming lenders that will accept your loan; ..the rate will start at 9.5%

Normally after 2-3 years of good payment; the non-conforming lender can offer you a lower rate or you can refin.

But as above poster mention, if it;s not your fault you can disoute it - but proof is required to a certain point.
