Investment to PPOR

Just checking. My brother-in-law bought a unit which was an investment for about 5 years then moved in and has been in for about 10 years as PPOR. He wants to sell it now for new PPOR. As I understand it, there is not CGT to pay because it is now his PPOR or is there some adjustment to make for when it was an investment unit?
Unfortunately, I believe that you are up for CGT for a proportion of 5 out of the 10 years.

If you moved in immediately after purchasing the unit 10 years ago, moved out and then moved back in 5 years later and did not have another PPOR during the 5 year absence, then no CGT payable...

I suspect you are right- but I'm not sure.

Our resident expert is no doubt enjoying a well-earned break.

There have been posts in the past- a search should find some answers (search on "Capital Gains" or "CGT*" because three letter searches aren't supported here)