IT - File synchronisation

I hope some of the IT pro's on this forum can help me:

I am working on a desktop in the office but also need to keep my laptop in sync with the files on my desktop (mainly Outlook) and all the files on my server.

So far I always copy files from and to and somehow manage to keep my laptop updated.

I am sure there must be a good software utility out there that can automate this task.

Please heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllpppppppppppppppppppp
Hi Rofl,

File Synchronisation = Bane of my existence.

It seems to be forever recovering my files.

However, Technically its fairly easy to setup.

What i do with my work setup is this: I have a network drive that all my work is stored on, this gets backed up daily etc. I want to keep a copy on my laptop to work at home, at clients etc.

I just opened this up in windows explorer, right click on the folder I want to keep synchronised with my laptop, and select "Make available offline".

Thats pretty much it.

Outlook, im not too sure about, we us *cough* lotus *cough*

Rolf Schaefer said:
I hope some of the IT pro's on this forum can help me:

I am working on a desktop in the office but also need to keep my laptop in sync with the files on my desktop (mainly Outlook) and all the files on my server.

So far I always copy files from and to and somehow manage to keep my laptop updated.

I am sure there must be a good software utility out there that can automate this task.

Please heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllpppppppppppppppppppp

What is the engine behind the outlook? Sounds like you might have a pop server.

A full blown Exchange server will keep the messages on the server, as well as keeping a cached image on your laptop, which will update when you connect to the server.

Could be time to grab a 1GB memory stick...


The Y-man

1. For email make sure the server is storing a cache copy (this is called exchange cached mode on Microsoft Exchange email servers) and can be setup directly from the outlook client software.

2. For easy file synch from the server for both your laptop and desktop use the built in Briefcase software that comes with Windows XP. It can get a little tricky with a server copy, desktop copy and laptop copy if you don't check thoroughly when doing updates. I recommend making sure your desktop has synched with the server before you go home at night, then making sure the server copy is synched with your laptop before you leave the office each night. When you make any changes to those synched files on your laptop when out of the office when you come back into the office in the morning the first thing you should do is synchronise your files with the server and then continue the cycle :)