Jude H on Today Tonight

Hi Asy, Sasha and Steph,

Sasha I'm with you mate. If Stephie wants to eat all her lollies at the one time and have none left, well she can't very well complain when you bring yours out a week later now can she? BUT, let's not rub her nose in it and give her one ok? But only one!!

Asy our rule is that if mum says you need a new pair of shoes etc then you had better have the money in the bank to go and buy them NOW! I still have final say on all clothes bought. My children are after all boys, and teenagers at that, so some of the choices need to be modified a wee bit sometimes.

Mathew's spending habits have certainly changed in the past 6 months. He has seen first hand what Andrew is doing and achieving so it is actually rubbing off. There is hope for Steph yet!! :D

Quite honestly Asy I think that $100 is probably too much. But, then this kid chooses not to buy a lot of things. He doesn't have a wardrobe full of clothes, but the clothes that he does own are good quality. Andrew is a normal kid who does go out and have fun but it's just that he chooses not to 'blow' his money. He REALLY likes the idea of an early retirement. I don't mind rewarding him and helping him along this path :)
Thanks Jude!!

I will report next year, and let you know how things are going...

I am thinking of teaming this programme with an ABA (Applied behaviour analysis) for Sasha to help with his Aspergers... I will have to do some sort of reward system next year, and I have two choices, to give him toys or money... I would prefer money, that way he can choose his toys...

talk to you soon!!

asy :D
My 5 yr old got $30 for his birthday from his great-grandmother. We put it in the bank account for about a week, and then he decided he wanted pizza for dinner.

The rule in our house is that the parents provide a dinner, and if the kids don't want it, they provide their own. So Kyle got me to call up for pizza :)

His great-grandmother wasn't best pleased when she found out what the money had been spent on...

OK Jas, can't show Andrew this post. You have the power to single handedly blow his entire savings program with this one post!!!! :D
FOR Andrew...

Mmmmmm Pizza now.....


Grrrrrrr work till you're 65.....

your decision mate! hehehe

asy :D