Kit homes and other construction methods

Is anyone doing it? On the surface it does look like an alright option - but the labour costs would still be there.

The benefits I see are:

- Design is done
- Everything is supplied
- Everything *should* fit together

At the end of the day you still need to pour the slab and put everything together. I have seen costs as low as $37k for a 2bed and $47k for a 3bed. On top of this you have site works, assembly, paint, etc.

Other Kits come delivered and assembled, which are about $100k.

Other options are modular constructed homes and the like. Is anyone building like this?


Yes, and there's other threads on it too.

Varies by state.

$100k seems high for a delivered house, too, unless you've got every extra on the planet, which is is unusual if you're talking IP.