Land that can be subdivided. How do you know?

Howdy to all, new to the forum. Wanted to ask advice on what to look for when purchasing an investment property in relation to subdivision. What to look for in contracts etc? Who to contact at council/what questions to ask etc..??? How do you know what 'zoning' allows you to subdivide later if you choose..???

Thank you all in advance
Get familiar with the DCP & LEP which are generally available on the council's website. Look around the area that you are considering, find similar blocks and look for the development approval if it is still available on line (some councils have a great search feature), learn what can and can't be done.
Scott is on the money.

Most Qld Councils sites are pdonline. So for Brisbane it is

Make sure you know the hierarchy of the planning scheme in the state. Eg in QLD a local or Neighbourhood Plan overides the zoning of the land.