Learning about shares and bonds etc

Hi. Can anyone tell me a good place to start in regards to learning about buying and trading shares. Perhaps there's a great forum like this one but for shares? I'm not a speculating type, more a long term thing. Thanks.
Hi. Can anyone tell me a good place to start in regards to learning about buying and trading shares. Perhaps there's a great forum like this one but for shares? I'm not a speculating type, more a long term thing. Thanks.

Lots of topics on the forums recently about shares, more than in recent memory.

Browse through the recent Coffee Lounge pages and find thread with title

"High Yielding Shares Again"

There was another one but its name is escaping me.

Then look up users Intrinsic Value, roe, topcropper, erko and pinkboy. They all discuss their various strategies.

I believe some of these posters also recommend aussiestockforums.

Good luck.
Simron, I reckon books are the starting point, not forums.

To that end ;

- Motivated Money, Peter Thornhill
- A Random walk down Wall Street, Burton Malkiel
- Buffet, the making of an American Capitalist, Roger Lowenstein

Will provide a good basic education on the nature of markets and long term investment thinking. You will note that these books are written by authors with different approaches (Australian All Industrials, Fundamental / Indexing / Value Investment) but there is a commonality to all approaches, namely this is a long game so think accordingly. You will in due course find your own way.

As redwing points out there are some great threads on this forum. aussiestockforums is mainly trading focussed with a lot of tech analysis guys from what I have seen, so maybe not what you are looking for.

Bogleheads is worth a look, and if you get into Value Investment then cornerofberkshireandfairfax.ca is the place to be.
Thanks everyone! I'll checkout the posts on here; and as redwing said, and I agree, I love the people on here but thought I'd better ask about others as this forum is property. Thanks ergo - yep, tech analysis sounds too advanced for me at this stage, I'm only a beginner! What's "value investment"?

Essentially, there are 3 main churches, the first 2 being;

-Fundamental Analysis
-Technical Analysis

Both believe in picking individual stocks, but come at this with entirely different methodologies http://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/131.asp

Then there is the Church of the efficient market, the Indexers who hold that Technical Analysis is mere hocus pocus and tea leaves, and that fundamental analysis is pointless as the weight of all available information about a stock is already reflected in the share price and that in the long term outperformance is just luck. http://www.investopedia.com/terms/e/efficientmarkethypothesis.asp

You find your own way, it may be a little of this and a little of that :)