LYC: any gossip?

I realise this is a property forum and not a stock market forum, but the stock market forums are pretty woeful and I value the opinions of people here rather than there...

Does anyone have any info on Lynas? I don't own it yet. Gossip, anecdotes - all good. I've made more money on gossip than graphs.

None of those directors look familiar to me. Is it a board weighed down with accountants or are there a few decent geologists floating about?

It's a very bad mark that J P Morgan pulled out a few days after a presentation.

I suspect huffing and puffing and no rare earths but would like to be wrong.
youve missed the boat
has had a great run just like other ree companies.
ive traded this twice now
i wouldnt buy at these prices, i think theres better availiable ree comps
bit of a discussion of REEs in a recent thread here

REEs have been flavor of the month since July, based on the Chinese progressively shutting down exports over the last year.

Bloomberg brought it up today.

LYC has one of the largest deposits outside China and will start producing late 2011-12.

I've been trading LYC, ARU, and ALK since June, and increased exposure late July. Two others to keep an eye on
- Molycorp (MCP:NYSE)
- Great Western Minerals (GWG:TSX)

Read anything written by a Canadian REE and Lithium analyst called John Hykawy.
I've tossed up whether to take long term positions in the SMSF but am continuing with short term trades as these should be volatile for some time.
Thanks for the responses. I'm tossing up about a long term position too, but finding that info on the actual companies is in short supply and hype rather high.