
Eddie quote from a 'manifesto' on Mabo Case:

'My name is Edward Mabo, but my island name is Koiki.

My family has occupied the land here for hundreds of years before Captain Cook was born. They are now trying to say I cannot own it.

The present Queensland Government is a friendly enemy of the black people as they like to give you the bible and take away your land.

We should stop calling them boss. We must be proud to live in our own palm leaf houses like our fathers before us.'

Absolutely fantastic show, Eddie Mabo is inspirational, really well done and interesting side note, Rachel Perkins has achieved another excellent piece of storytelling. Also, happens to be daughter of Charles.

She is responsible for (among other work):

First Australians

and the lighter, delightful:

Bran Nue Dae


Fantastic this important part of Australian history has come to light, to screen.
My partner is not Australian.

We watched this together.

I was ashamed. Such a sad period.

I don't know what else to say.

I don't care about black arm band criticism. It was shameful and deserves to be recognised as such.
Totally agree on land rights in the right conditions.

But, they are and can be radically abused.

Other aspects that have emerged from this and people to scared to say 'boo' I will never agree with and are outrageous.
I'll need a structural engineer's report for that lean-to palm tree roof, Mr Mabo. Without it, I can't certify the construction under the Deemed To Satisfy provisions of the Building Code of Australia.