Macquarie No-Doc

I need to get a decent size redraw for some deals that I want to put money into. I have recently been recommended the macquarie no-doc from a couple of brokers as I have great equity but terrible servicability.

Does anyone have any experience with the product? Besides the penalty's if you pay the loan out early it seems a good deal if you cant get finance any other way.

Any opinions on the product would be greatly appreciated.

What is the rate they are offering?

My NODOC is 7.10%.

Check any deferred establishment fees and LMI.


Possibly the biggest benefit with the Maq Bank "product" is that its actually a no doc process using all of their products with a bit of a margin. That means you can have a line of credit OR, its the only product that I know of that has a 100 % offsey acct.

To be honest, I havent used it much, but know people who have, and the love the fact that the basic loan with 100 % IO offset steps down to <6.8 ? after threee years. Apparently you want to have lots of time up your sleeve too - I have heard they arent the fastest

I have used this product quite a bit and my clients are happy with it.

In VIC we currently also don't have any issues with processing times.
I am with Rolf.

No problems in processing here in Qld and i even have a couple of my loans with them on the product.