making alot of money on stocks?

i dont know anything about making oney on stocks. But i have had a very small amount of expereince in some managed funds.

is it true and advisable to put money now when things are low in particular stocks i'm presuming blue chip stocks but please correct and inform me, that are low now but will go up in 1 or 2 years and alot of money can be made?

would i be better putting some money into that than in paying extra to my mortgage .

thy mentioned on the oprah show with suze orman that alot of money can be made by putting money now into stocks that will go up again in a dyear or 2 nd alot of money can be made.

soi i'd like all the advice i can get on this please

Hi Francine,

At the moment if you want to make a small fortune in the sharemarket...start with a big one;)

No doubt there will be some companies that will present long term value. In the short term I would stay in cash until things settle. This could be the middle of next year.

Personally I wouldn't buy into a market that continues to trend down fuelled by so much uncertainity.

To decide what shares will depend on your risk tolerence, time frames et etc so maybe use the time to gather as much informed info as possible.

Hope this helps


The best advice I can give is don't take advice from faceless strangers on a financial forum (most of whom are not legally able to provide it anyway).

Use the forum to learn, along with other resources, then make up your own mind. Basically, if you have to ask, then the answer is no. :D
