Median prices over the last 20years

Hi All,

Does anybody know where i could get my hands on the folllow info:
Median House / Unit prices for capital cities / States for the past 20 years ??

Yes, you guessed it, i would like to graph the last 20 years or so to see where we are at. :D

Thnaks in advance,


It seems Melbourne's figures reflect the early 90's scenario better than the other city's numbers do.


The land office in Vic publishes a book called "A guide to property values" each year. I bought a copy a few months and I'm pretty sure it has charts going back around 20 years (can't be 100% certain but pretty sure - I'm looking for the damn book under my sofa as we speak :D)

Perhaps something similar is published for other states also?
Not many of you may know, but the "Guide to Property Values" mentioned by Paul_S can also be purchased in a soft copy form (Excel). Makes it easier to manipulate the data that way.
