Melbourne - MAY 2008 MIG Meeting

Hi All,

The next MIG meeting will be at the Moreland as per Belu's suggestion/request :)

When: Wednesday 28th May
Time: 6.00pm onwards.....
Where: The Moreland Hotel
Address: 882 Sydney Road, Brunswick - ph: 9386 3748

Booked under "Somersoft"

Please reply if you are attending to get a rough idea of numbers (although it has never been an issue at this venue).

The Y-man
Apologies from Mike and me

Mike's Sister is very ill and we are going to UK for a couple of weeks to spend some time with her

So instead of the Moreland we shall be having a meal at the pub in Islington that night with No #1 Son and the Main Squeeze and no doubt be talking about property investing with them, instead!

Hope you all have a great night

MIG Meeting

Please add 1 for me to the booking. This will be my first meeting for MIG which should be good to have a chat face to face with like minded people.


Plz count me in if you don't mind a newbie there to absorb knowledge from u:D

Do I have to bring anything particular with me?

Just you guys have these meetings only on Wednesdays each month?


Yes, the last Wednesday of each month. We used to do them haphazard, until it was suggested and agreed to that we just bite the bullet and pick a day. Most people at the meeting felt Wednesday was a reasonably committment free night for most people.


The Y-man