Melbourne - MAY 2008 MIG Meeting

Just you guys have these meetings only on Wednesdays each month?


Are you going to come JIT?? I want to chat with you about life outside the 10km radius! How are things in your new location?

Regards Jason.
My apology my bloody boss just wouldn't allow me to swap day so I cannot make it on wednesday as I am going to finish at around 5:30pm in Bentleigh:mad:
I have to go home and pick up some stuff so will be about 7ish, need to pick up the better half on the way aswell.
it can start from 6pm :)

I am just moving stuff to the gf's where I am staying for the next 2-3 weeks which is why i will be late.
do we actually have a precise starting time? I don't want to get there only find out that you guys are packing up already:eek:

I think I usually bail about 9:30~10pm-ish, and there are still people there... the kitchen closes at 9:00pm from memory though, so orders need to go in before then.


The Y-man

Can't make it tonight unfortunately. Too much going on at home!! :eek:

Have a great evening everyone.

Regards Jason.