New Zealand Depreciation

Evening investors;

I am looking for a bit of guidance here.
I am looking at buying an IP in Auckland New Zealand and was wondering if anyone can shed any light on the Tax Depreciation laws/legisaltion there.

Has anyone got a Tax Depreciation Schedule done on any IP in New Zealand.

Valuit would be the biggest company in NZ doing depreciation. We get asked about NZ depreciation, so we put a link to them on our site. They seem like pretty decent operators.
Hi Farone. We depreciate the improved value of the building at 3% and until recently would use chattel valuations to depreciate the chattels at a variety of rates from 5% to 50% depending on the chattels. The government has just changed the law and now the chattels basically get added to the improved value and depreciated at 3%. It used to be worth getting a chattel valuation on every property, it is now somewhat debatable depending on the property. I assume you owuld be aware that 100% of interest payments for an IP are also fully tax deductible.
Happy to refer you to some structure/tax specialists if you don't have any one good here.