One of those mornings...

I'm sure everyone can relate to having "one of those mornings" where everything goes wrong?? I wonder if anyone can beat this shocker I had this morning..

1) cycling into work I got a puncture about 2km short of work.
2) no repair kit as I took it off when taking the bike in for a service yesterday.
3) Had to run barefoot to work as running/walking in cycling cleats isn't an option.
4) Get to work and find an awesome set of blisters on my toes.
5) Lose my normal spot in the shower queue.. which makes me more late.
6) Open my bag to find that the run in had opened my lunch box, splashing lamb stew all over my work clothes :eek:

I'm attributing this bad luck to sleeping in and not going for my usual swim at the local pool.. according to the butterfly effect theory none of this wouldn't have happened. ;)

I'd love to hear other stories, so I know I'm not the only one.. :D
Ah well - the other night if I had fed my cat when he was pestering me, instead of telling him to go away, he wouldn't have been out on the road when he was and hence run over by a car.

And then hubby wouldn't have to dig a really big hole in the backyard thru hard clay, breaking a stormwater pipe in the meantime and him being in a filthy mood for the rest of the weekend.
Hubby dropped me to work the other day, asked me for cash for fuel as he didn't have his wallet :rolleyes:. I only had $30 cash. It he was daydreaming and put in $65. He had to move the car, explain to the cashier and do the walk of shame into the store in carindale with a black singlet, daggy shorts and thongs. Lucky he had thongs. Even luckier he wasn't in singlet and undies like he has been some days (but I don't THINK he would have stopped fuel in his undies :eek:)