Plumber to fix hot water leak

I am in Notting Hill, 3168.

Just wonder if any replace old hot water with Solar Hot water and get rebate from government. How much does total cost?

I always use a company called The Tap Doctor. I'm on the Gold Coast but they're in all states I think. Always on time, lovely people, and competitive prices. (oh, and excellent work too!) lol
Make sure you get someone who sepcialised in Hot water systems.

Just had my hot water serviced. First plumber said needed a new one, 2nd (who specailised in Hot water systems) said partial rebuild should keep it going for another 10 or 20 years. cost less than half the price of a new one. Apparently, they need servicing every 3 to 4 years, which i never knew.
Go and have a look at it first.
My tenant told me mine was leaking so I went and had a look
I took the cover off(10 seconds)
Found the leak which was dripping from a screw on connection(20 seconds)
Got a spanner, tightened connection, stopped leak replaced cover(2 minutes).

I too thought the worst as it's an old(15+years) rusty Bosch instant HWS and was prepared to replace it if necessary. It ended up costing me nothing and about 20 mins of my time including travel.