PM discount

What I am hearing from this thread is there is still no real choice regarding the cost of property management services. You pay the full fee for the full service. It will just be added up differently. Why doesn’t the real estate industry put a cost to each part of a property managers roll and let the vendors decide what parts of the service they value and want to pay for like other true professions do?
For example if the landlord wrote the ad, what's this worth? Or conducted the inspections, took their own photos, prepared the condition report, conducted the routine inspection, coordinated the maintenance etc. Put a cost to each task and let the landlords choose the service level they want. My bet is all these costs will be justifiable for 75% of landlords to have the full service. What options do the remaining 25% have? Not many.
In the past many agents have argued for across the board agency fees so then agents will be judged by their work and not by their costing. The real problem with trying to introduce a standardised fee is that agents won't stick to it, there will always be people trying to adjust and cut price for the sake of getting new business but I agree. Agency fees should be the same across the board so landlords all know what they are paying for and why :).