Powerline easment

Hi guys,

Anyone have any experience with powerline easements? I was looking at a property on the weekend that had a standard power line running across the back yard. It's in Frankston. I'd like to look to see if it was still able to sub divide, or build a dwelling under it.

Obviously no issues with health concerns as its a standard power line, not a high voltage one. I'm awaiting s32 still to check into it deeper to see who has access to the easement and enquire regarding sub developement (if its possible). From searching online I've been able to find that garden sheds, carports may be possible and pools (eek!) and tennis courts also. But from what I've found, having another dwelling doesn't look too promising.

Next course is to ring the council, just going to wait for s32.
Hi guys,

Anyone have any experience with powerline easements? I was looking at a property on the weekend that had a standard power line running across the back yard. It's in Frankston. I'd like to look to see if it was still able to sub divide, or build a dwelling under it.

Obviously no issues with health concerns as its a standard power line, not a high voltage one. I'm awaiting s32 still to check into it deeper to see who has access to the easement and enquire regarding sub developement (if its possible). From searching online I've been able to find that garden sheds, carports may be possible and pools (eek!) and tennis courts also. But from what I've found, having another dwelling doesn't look too promising.

Next course is to ring the council, just going to wait for s32.

IMHO the only obvious thing is that power lines significantly reduce the value of properties and are harder to sell and rent out.

I'd give this opportunity a miss.
Very unusual to have a standard distribution level powerline running "through" a suburban backyard. IME (perth based) they don't normally have formal easements at that level as they normally run in the designated utilities corridor along road reserves. The issues surrounding this one sound very specific to this property and won't be helped by generalisations. Get professional advice.

In WA (and I strongly suspect anywhere else in Australia) your chances of building a shed or a pool or anything else under a powerline are somewhere between zero and bugger all... the safety risks are obvious.