Price listed and actual sale price.

I've been reading this interesting forum for a few hours now. I came across a discussion in one of the posts which listed two web sites that compare the listed price and the actual sale price. Now I can't find it :eek: Any chance that someone would mind providing that info again? Would really appreciate it. Thanks.
On you can find the average discount rate for a suburb is, ie. difference (on average) between asking price and selling price in a percentage value.

Here is an eg. for Merrylands

Houses have an average discount rate of 9% and units 8%

So if a house is for sale in Merrylands for say $400,000, you should on average get a 9% $36,000 discount from the asking price so the purchase price would be $364,000
On you can find the average discount rate for a suburb is, ie. difference (on average) between asking price and selling price in a percentage value.

Here is an eg. for Merrylands

Houses have an average discount rate of 9% and units 8%

So if a house is for sale in Merrylands for say $400,000, you should on average get a 9% $36,000 discount from the asking price so the purchase price would be $364,000

Not sure how this would work if it is advertised $400k + (?)
I do appreciate your quick responses, all of you. Mark B, that wasn't the one but I did a bit more googling and found which was one. Still can't find the other. Thanks for that link Collecter - that is an interesting site and I ran a few checks of interest. Love looking at stats. I shall keep googling or re-explore this site. Thanks again folks for your time.