probably an easy Q.. How to buy in Vic?

Looking at a PPR in Hoppers Crossing...
Beleive it's overpriced, but still within our budget.. and it's a PPR.. so the whole logic of IP buying doens't quite fit here.
That said - we've still got a walk-away point of below our loan threshold, and intend to do things like extend settlement period if they try to up the offer value.
It's been on the market 10 weeks (Agent tried to tell us 8, but the other agent 2 weeks ago told us 8)

Anyway.. that's not quite my point.
The actual buying process? I've had a conveyancer look over the contract, and she's given me a few pointers about special conditions to remove.

The agent has now told us to put in an offer, we need to do an REIV Standard Contract note, with $1000 deposit.
So I started looking around for a contract note online, so i can print/sign/scan/email it to him, but then I've found articles stating contract notes are no longer legal, and are questionable anyway.

So is a direct letter enough, or would I have to use that contract note ?

Also.. we're not quite sure on the conveyancer so would like some suggestions on someone in the newport/williamstown/ area ?
When I started out with buying properties, I started off asking family and friends for any referrals they had for conveyancers. This may be helpful for you to do because you'll know that the conveyancer will be trustworthy because they're referred to you by a close person, and also they should be close to your area.