Property Portfolio Software/app

i am in process of developing a property profolio/management software for investors.

I thought it would be best to ask somersoftains to ask what they would like to have in such software/app.

It would have

Cloud file storage (to save various format of documents, images)
rental statements upload-email feature
Alerts (rental due, statement due, Mortgage due, insurance due)
on-fly overview of your portfolio.
Pricing: free for active accounts

please feel free suggest anything else you would prefer!
A yearly calendar overview for each property, I'd use it to block out dates of fixed leases, routine inspection due dates and completed dates. It would be useful in "managing mangers".
Hi MFlying

Just thought I'd check when do you expect this to be available. I've been using an excel spreadsheet all these years and now, now may be the time to move to some more sophisticated software.

Something to scan/copy/ save receipts and associate/ link w each relevant property yesterday I must of photocopied 200 receipts :(