Quickest way to get rid of mice

Tomorrow, visit your local shelter and adopt a beautiful cat mouser...
They do a great job everytime..my third cat eats up all the baby mice outside the house....she considers them delectable delicacies :D

I second that! Even if the cat is too fat to catch a mouse, the mere presence of a cat is often enough to encourage the mouse family to live somewhere else :)
Mouse traps and poisons are a temporary solution, you get rid of one family another one will come. Cats are a more permanent solution, mice are deterred by the smell of the cat and they will avoid your house for the life of the cat. Good luck!

We seemed to have only catched the one so far and I'm pretty sure it was the one my husband spotted. We'll have a look in the ceiling and under the house today to see if the wax blocks had any impact.

The cat small thing is smart. Why hasn't some company bottled it and sold it an alternative to traps and poison? They'd make millions :p
When we had a mice problem last, a little ratsak in the roof solved it in 2-3 days. The Mrs was amazed at how quickly it worked.

I just hope she doesn't think she has a husband problem in the future and decide to take similar measures. :p
When we had a mice problem last, a little ratsak in the roof solved it in 2-3 days. The Mrs was amazed at how quickly it worked.

I just hope she doesn't think she has a husband problem in the future and decide to take similar measures. :p

One of my long running jokes with the wife is:

Darl, better cut back on the anti-freeze in my (coffee/tea/dinner/lunch etc) - I am starting to taste it.

Get some really good looks from some people!


Omg my husband just saw a small mouse while watching TV. We don't know where it went. Now I'm terrified and in the bedroom and don't know what to do. Can an exterminator help? I don't want to sit around waiting for traps etc to work. I literally won't be able to sleep knowing that it/they are crawling around our house. Don't mean to sound melodramatic but this kind of thing really freaks me out. What should I do? :confused:
Cats work well, and a mouse trap does too.

Our cat brings "gifts" to our back door on a semi-regular basis (from hunting outside, I might add).
Few years ago we had a rat problem inside our home. So we decided to use rat poison.
Only after a few weeks, we noticed a horrible smell
The rat had died in our roof, and luckily we were able to identify its rotting body and disposed it ASAP, now, til this day, that image of rat decomposing body still lingers... not a pretty sight at all, especially when maggots are crawling out of its brain..

Now, if that rat had died and trapped inside the walls, you would have to live with it until the small is gone, or, break down the wall and identify the body.

Mouse Glue Trap. My friend's shop, he used these traps, and each day he would come in to work and seeing a plate of rats stuck on the trap
I prefer mice over roaches to be honest. At least mice don't go crawling up walks or into your bed while you sleep.

Mice traps normally do the trick, or you could be patient and wait for it to crawl to someone else's house. Just leave an opening for them to go out through; place some bird seed outside and they will go crawling outside at night. Make a trail to the neighbour's house..lol.
Didn't some German wine producer add it to their gerwitz traminer riesling to increase the alcohol content (with nasty side effects)?

When asked for a comment regarding the alleged contamination of their Gewurztraminer Reisling with anti-freeze, the CEO of Kugelschreiber remarked 'I know nossing!'
get this, place them on their path chuck in some peanut butters or some mouse bait ...once they come in they cant get out...you can catch multiple mouse in a night as this trap can probably fit a dozen mouse in there..

I normally take them to the park and let them go after ward rather than kill them.


House mouse are harmless and probably don't carry disease and all the crap most people make you fearful for.... it is natural for mouse to come in most home when there is a food source and it is cold outside...
peanut butter in a trap works!

mouse traps are useles for getting rid of problem. They just skim the surface. Poison all the way.

We had a guy out and he baited the roof and put a couple of traps down. They said that the dog would have to eat some ridiculous number of kilos of mice for it to actually have an effect on them. Only issue would be if the mouse pulls the bait out of trap after it is mostly eaten and leaves it out. You are supposed to check in the trap every few days or something to make sure that doesn't happen.

They would also come and remove any smelly dead mice if they remained.

They are supposed to get thirsty and go elsewhere in search of water. We never saw them after they baited the first time. The second time (different house), we only saw one- already dead (in the garage. They never reached the house itself). That was during the mice plague going around vic a couple of years ago.

This is one area I outsource. Don't care about the cost.