Religious beliefs

Hey all,

Just after some advice. I have an IP down in Quakers Hill NSW. I live up on Lake Macquarie. I was planning to go to the property and remove an old timber pergola that is rotting away. I had lined up helpers etc for a saturday but the PM has since informed me that my tenants are actually seventh day adventists and do not allow work to be carried out on Saturdays. IS THIS FOR REAL???? Please dont get me wrong, im not having a go at anyones religion but gee wise I work 5 days a week and would like to rest up on the sunday after I had hoped to work there on the saturday. No way around it the PM has informed me. Bugger me, there is something I will be asking next time I look for a new tenant.

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You are not asking THEM to remove the pergola.

Tell them they can just watch you do the work on a Saturday, or that they can do it themselves Sunday, because you don't like to work on a Sunday :p.
I'm with wylie. I think if they don't want to work, that's fine, but it's completely unreasonable to try and prevent you from doing work. I believe, and fervently hope, that no Court would consider this a reasonable interpretation of any anti-discrimination legislation. If your PM is telling you that you are obliged to respect this request of the tenants, I'd be asking for a reference as to where this is spelt out. And possibly looking for a new PM.
Seventh Day Adventists are for real, and they are very solid citizens, in my own experience.

Work around what they want, and respect their beliefs imho.

You may find that if you share a meal they will not eat everything you do either. Don't worry about it.

I was brought up a Baptist, and although I don't attend any church much any more, I do respect the beliefs.

In my home town, vandals broke into my old Baptist church a few years ago, and caused extensive damage.

While it was being repaired, the SDAs allowed the Baptists to use their church for Sunday worship. Because they only needed it on Saturdays.

I thought that was good cooperation, especially as many mainstream churches, including my own, regard SDAs as being a little bit of fringe dwellers.
have you tried asking them?

have you thought of contacting the tenants directly and explaining (politely) your quandry? they may be very accommodating or not, but in my experience, solutions can often be found when you don't go thru a third party playing a variation of chinese whispers.

you never know, they may prefer to knock it down themselves.
A belief is something that people have chosen to take as being real in their world. Unless you have done years of personal developments then you too will have many beliefs, religious or not, that appear real to you.

A fear of a real estate crash is a belief so is not having enough money during retirement, so is the belief that you can end all your financial troubles by purchasing a few properties :D

Few people can rise above them so allow people to live and experience the reality in which they choose.

There are 6 other days you can choose to do maintenance work and the more you focus on a problem the more it grows!

new tenants.

sorry, but if a tenant is going to stop major repairs that could cause someone injury for whatever reason other than a funeral or extreme sickness, i'd be finding new tenants.
I'd be suggesting to your PM that you only need to inform the tennants you are entering Your property, not asking permission.
I wish I had 6 other days to choose from to do the repairs but unfortunately I work for a living as does my tenants so that has ruled out mon-fri. Hence the problem.

I certainly do respect there beliefs. Just finding it a little difficult to work around thats all.

Yes they respect the Lord, however you want them to respect the Land..lord, hmmmm.
Just be respectful of peoples beliefs, and hey if it means having to work a day on the Sunday well so be it, big deal.
So many people here are so intolerant and quick to give the flick to any tenant that is non compliant at the drop of a hat.
It is a two way street and at some point when you sell up, they might'n be to happy having agents and buyers tracing through the place.
But will you care???
I think you should bite the bullet and do the work on Sunday.... especially if it's a one off.

Having known a few seventh days in my time, you most likely have a very honest and ethical tennant and that counts for a lot in present society.
I was raised as an SDA and I would somewhat consider the tenants request unreasonable regardless. It's not up to them to force their beliefs onto you, which is essentially what they are doing. Chances are you would be completing most if not all the work while they are at church anyway.

That said, if they are a good tenant, you would be best to try and work around their wishes if possible. SDA's are a good bunch, but they are also plenty stubborn :D

I think the earlier suggestion of firing the PM over the situation is absolutely ridiculous though, talk about an overreaction.
Investing more than a job. Happens everyday. Sometimes things need to happen in personal time. Good thing investing pays better than a job does, lol :D

Tenants being painful? Don't think so. Sleep in on Saturday instead, no?
I agree the SDAs are, on the whole, sincere and ethical people.

But my perception of the SDAs' tolerance for others beliefs was somewhat dented when a group knocked on my parents' door at 1:30pm on Christmas Day about 4 years ago, out "spreading the word".
I think a few people have missed the point - does anyone know of any tradies who work on a sunday? Lets assume the OP lined up helpers to remove the timber pergola - and those 'helpers' include a paid carpeter and sparkie (for the lighting, ceiling fan, weatherproof powerpoints, etc)
How many extra hundreds of dollars is the OP willing to pay to get these tradies on a sunday? I'd say none - investing is a business, and to remain in business, you need to keep costs as low as possible.
I'm all for helping out my tennant when its required, and I'm all for being reasonable - but not working on a saturday coz of a religious belief? c'mon.
Is the tennant willing to shell out for the extra cost of paying for the tradies on a sunday?
If the tennants feel so strongly about working saturdays - they can either pay for the sunday work, or they can go for a nice walk so they don't have to see people working.
They are following the day of Sabbath. Originally in the Bible the Day of Sabbath was on Saturday as the week starts on Sunday so the 7th Day of Sabbath is actually Saturday.
The reason other religions have Sunday as the Sabbath is because it was changed to Sunday to acknowledge that Christ was resurrected on Sunday at Easter time.
on further thought

I was thinking of making a comment that was being a bit tongue and cheek about getting SDA tradies but on further thought that may be a way around your problem.
Your tenants belong to a church so they may have members in it who are tradies or handy people that could fix / replace the pergola or pull it down for you. Now you may be able to pay for the work by providing a barbeque for a team of SDA's to have a working bee or by making an offer of a donation to their church for the provision of tradies or handy persons to do the work.