School Reunions

Hi All

Anyone been to one of these??? What has been your experience??

I went to a school reunion recently, thought it would be great experience, blast from the past, catch up and reminisce etc, however, it was quite the opposite, terrible experience.

Seems like everyone is only interested in what you look like and what you have achieved in life, your status.

Comparing notes on where you live? what you earn? what your partner does/earns.

Perhaps this is normal, people just curious, did anyone make good, this sort of stuff???? Anyway, not for me, wont be going to another.

I've only been to one, 10 year reunion 5 years ago. Only went last minute and wasn't expecting to but had a surprisingly good time. Got the 15 gear reunion next month, will probably go again.
Didn't go to my 15 years, and not sure about the 20 year coming up. I'm still close to my group of friends from High school, but the rest of em, yeah not sure I can be bothered.
I've only been to one, 10 year reunion 5 years ago. Only went last minute and wasn't expecting to but had a surprisingly good time. Got the 15 gear reunion next month, will probably go again.

So some people do have a good time. I went to an all girls school, is that the problem?? just joking, folks, don't shoot me yet.
I tell people that i am a consultant in the recreational fishing industry these days.

although i am toying with calling myself a golfer, semi - pro of course.
Mt Druitt 10 year reunion wasn't much chop. Should have been held in Long Bay or Pinegrove as that's where most were lol
I've been to a few and they were great fun.

Even to the extent, since our 20 year reunion, we have been having a small catch-up every year! About 30 - 40 normally attend each time.

I think it depends on how close you were from back then.

Not so much this comparing jobs and incomes stuff - just catching up, reminiscing and having a good time.
Seems like everyone is only interested in what you look like and what you have achieved in life, your status.

Comparing notes on where you live? what you earn? what your partner does/earns.

Perhaps this is normal, people just curious, did anyone make good, this sort of stuff????

Sounds like you went to a girls school and they all grew up to be shallow boring people. I went to my 10th and had a great time. I was in the news a lot during that time so everyone was friendly.
So some people do have a good time. I went to an all girls school, is that the problem?? just joking, folks, don't shoot me yet.

Yes, I know what you mean.
I braved the posh school reunion at the 20 year mark and it was mostly good but still weird. Still some very strange comments about the past and funny politics going on. Most people were over all that though.
The reunions of the last school I went to have all been good and get progressively better, though smaller. Just a really nice bunch of people: always were, always will be.
My international high school (PNG) reunion is going to be fantastic! We're going to the Philippines and there'll be people from all over the world. This only started to appeal to me a few years ago.

They get better the older you get because, as mentioned in another thread, you care less what other people think. After all, you're still here, you must be doing something right.
Hubby went to a private boys school and I recall very well him going to the ten year reunion. His good mates were mostly architects and other professionals and were very much (at age 27) bragging about how much they earned. He is not materialistic at all, dropped out of uni and got a job, and said their total obsession of "who earns more?" made him feel left out, even though they were good mates. He said in that setting, it became a real pis$ing competition and he saw a side of his mates that he had not seen before.

By the 20 year reunion (aged 37), they had all got over the "whose is bigger?" and "who earns more?" mindset and most had children in school and bigger concerns than they had aged 27.

At the 30 year reunion (aged 47) most of them still had kids in school and were well past petty comparisons. Some had passed away and others had major health issues.

Next one will be 40 year reunion (in two years when he is 57). It will be interesting to see how things are then.

For me, I left school at age 15, grade ten. I remember being excited when we moved into the same street as a girl I went to school with, who was a best friend back then. She was not interested at all in me 20 years later and I quickly gave up trying to rekindle the friendship. It was a real shame as we had kids the same ages, and they could have made good friends had she allowed them to get to know my kids.

I was totally disgusted when she told me that she had just been to the 20 year reunion and they were having trouble tracing girls due to changing names once we marry. I said, rather incredulously, "why didn't you invite me?" She explained that I hadn't gone to senior and wouldn't know all the girls. Pffttt!!! I spent three years with them and left so they had another two years together. I was so disgusted with her. That was the last I saw of her. Good riddance. She wasn't warm or friendly at all as an adult and it has put me off ever wanting to go to a reunion. What do you have in common? Just the same school. It isn't much of a basis for a rekindling. With her, however, we had been giggly best mates at school, so it was a shock that she had turned into such a cold, unfriendly woman.
Due to being interstate I've missed a few. I made one about 4 yrs ago, 15 yr primary school reunion. It was great catching up with old friends and became good friends with one of the girls that I wasn't close with at school. I plan on going back next year for 20 year reunion. It was a great night.
I went to a 20th reunion, it was great, out until 5 am. State school.
Funny thing was I could talk freely with all the girls, much better than as a nervy 17 year old.
I went to a 20 year reunion in 2010. I felt very out of place.

None of the people I was friends with went. It was just like highschool with all the clique groups. No one had changed much - except for one guy who had really really really let himself go.

I wouldnt go again... perhaps the 50 year reunion if Im still around.
With her, however, we had been giggly best mates at school, so it was a shock that she had turned into such a cold, unfriendly woman.

Wow, that's the pits. At all the reunions I've been to, the girls who left in 10 and 11 were always invited. And I've always been invited, even to the posh school reunions and I left at end of Year 9 to go OS.
Surprised that Redwing's not invited either when leaving in Year 11.
At the posh 20 year reunion I went to, most of the girls there had left before Year 12 - maybe we were the slightly better adjusted ones.
I do recommend reunions, though. It's good to see people your own age going through the stages of life etc.
Wylie and Redwing, you need to track down the organisers of the last reunion and give them your names and addresses so the next organisers can find you. Go on facebook and find your school page or whatever. Wylie, don't let that cold fish deprive you of a very healthy experience.
Wylie, if that was the reunion I went to, only about forty or fifty people showed up. I got an invite via my mother who was ex staff. I only knew about three of the people there and we sat at the back and had a good time, I think. As usual I couldn't wait to get out of there. I was still the skinniest person. But yeah, once everyone was finished being cordial, I returned to our nerdy little clich? and left about 9 pm.
Went to the 10 and 20 years reunion - quite good to catch up with some I hadn't seen for a while.

But gave the 30th a miss because the cost seemed a bit high! :p

(As others have said, social media is great for keeping in touch any way)

The Y-man