Searching cyberspace for IP's

What a wonderful resource this forum has been over the years. Previously one forumite started a web site that let you search multiple(4 or 5) web sites (Australian) for property and kept all the results on one page. At the time I remember it was a great time saver, not having to flick from one page to the next and included some of the less popular sites as did not have the same dominance as it does today. For a startup site it was realitively hassle free and worked a treat. Can anyone remember the site, who it was that developed it and is it still running? I am thinking this would have been about two years ago. Searches have not located it.
Hound Dog
Hi All,
Thank you for your replies Propertunity & fezz. I will now make use of Suburb View. It is more refined now than what I remember. Fezz you must be close to a genius. To develope an idea and turn it into something as practical and useful as Suburb View ... wow.

Hound Dog