Second IP, so very, very excited!


Thanks for everyone's comments and support regarding the Caboolture area, much appreciated. Thought you may like to know we have paid a deposit on IP 2 ( very scary and very, very exciting ), we bought a 4 x2 in Caboolture, 2 year old brick and tile, large 800 block. I was able to reduce price by only $20,000 but hey i'm happy with my ameteur negotiation skills and they can only improve - I hope! The owners wanted a quick sale and after it came onto the market we were lucky to pick it up so quickly as the real estate has had many offers since we place our depsosit, all higher than our offer - phew we were lucky. The current tenants are happy to stay and they are happy to sign a new lease when the current lease expires next month. What I am most happy about is with the installation of a $2000 air conditioner the new rent will increase from $270 to $300 per week so very happy with that.

Just wanted to say a huge, huge thankyou again to all the formites, I look forward to logging onto somersoft every day to educate myself and read everyones wonderful stories and experiences so again THANKYOU ALL!!

Hi Lisa, you did get lucky indeed! It's difficult to get anything halfway decent in Brisbane area at fair value just now, let alone with a discount. Nice one!

Congrats Lisa.

Can I ask what area in Caboolture you bought?

I looked around there quite a bit recently for my first IP, but ended up finding a place in Narangba (highlands estate) instead. I'm just curious that's all! :)

Whoohoo!!! Congrats Lisa, sounds like you've got yourself a good deal and I'm confident that you've done well getting into Caboolture.


Lisa , U have done very well. I have 2 IP and another where the Main Roads have indicated they R going to purchase for the Goodna bypass. Been negotiating for 13 months, haven't reached a win , win solution , may need to make public what has happened.
excellent choice congratulations.
btw, how is the rental market these days?
Are there many properties on the market for rental and how long does it take to lease them?