Shares Research

Of the share people on this forum, can anyone recommend good sources of information for the following types of share information:

P/E ratios.
Dividend Times Cover
Debt levels.
Net Tangible Asset Backing
52-week Highs and Lows.
Historical prices etc.


I was thinking of signing up with ComSec (mainly because of their low brokerage rates) but it's not clear what kind of facts/research I get access to.

I noticed the NZSE web site offers lots of this info publicly accessible, but the ASX does not (that I could find)?

Any pointers?

Hi Kevmeister
You can get some of these figures out of a daily paper, such as AFR.
Otherwise, I've always found the level of information available on the CommSec site fairly good, so it's probably worth joining them just for that.
Hi Kev,

Commsec, Tradingroom and AFR supply the info you are after, however please be aware that this info is most often outdated!

The best current source of this data is from the van Eyk group.


Hi Kev,

one that I like which is free & you don't need to subscribe to is with nice charts going back 5 years & the info you requested & so on...

I use it to supplement the info I get from Comsec...

