So much for global warming

I gave up trying to convince others of the Global Warming rubbish Propertunity. It's like a religion to them. Gen Y especially has been brainwashed.
I think we're now at the plataeu of the cycle. We'll start to see cooling this decade. By 2020, they will be panicking about Global Cooling (like they did in the 1970's).
There's a whole industry set up for it now. Conspiracy theorists and others argue that it is for the world-wide redistribution of wealth. Either way, I can't see it going away in a hurry :rolleyes:
I can't see it going away in a hurry either unfortunately:(. The definition has already changed. From "Global Warming" to "Climate Change". So droughts, floods, warming, cooling are all covered. We are all responsible for anything that happens.

But I think more and more people are starting to wisen up at least. Don't worry, in 10yrs, most of the "Global Warmists" would have lost all credibility, as evidence mounts of just natural climate changes.
Of course global warming is real.. I'm not sure what motivates the deniers (money ? politics?) and how much proof they actually need.

Oh, you guys make me laugh. Maybe you should look up how rich Al Gore has gotten from the "Global Warming" hysteria, and who is behind the push for world carbon trading. There is huge money to be made in it for the bankers.
But hey, I'm also looking at how to make money from the "global warming" hysteria. Waiting for some carbon trading markets to open, so can trade that as well as shares $$$.:D

Maybe your should read up on the Pacific Decadal Oscillation - the 30-40yr cycle that swings from warming to cooling phases (and in addition to solar activity), is why we'll be heading into 30yrs of cooling.

Ahh, amusing how easy the sheep are to manipulate. That's why the rich get richer. Al Gore left office with a few $million. He's now worth $10-100's of millions thanks to the global warming bandwagon.
Don't get me wrong joeExpat, I actually admire Al Gore. It takes skills to make a LOT of money from the stupidity of others, and make it look like your doing them a favor. Legend!!!

But, hey, I'm all for carbon taxes as well, BRING IT ON JULIA!!, what's the delay (2013 now) :(. Will lead to inflation, higher interest rates, a property market being hit. Will buy more property then and get rich, while the greenies suffer struggling to pay bills.
Tax the polluters I say, who will pass on the cost to consumers. Inflation up. I want interest rates at 12% :D.
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Maybe your should read up on the Pacific Decadal Oscillation - the 30-40yr cycle that swings from warming to cooling phases (and in addition to solar activity), is why we'll be heading into 30yrs of cooling.

Ahh, amusing how easy the sheep are to manipulate. ......

If only the GW crowd could think for themselves!!! I would give you much Kudos, but my bag is currently empty.

This is one of the single most important facts that is often not considered!

The cyclical nature of the environment is evident in everything from the rising of the tides, the phases of the moon, the rotation of the earth, the orbit about the sun.... but most can't see the forest for the trees. Most can't comprehend that some cycles are longer than a day or a year...

LMFAO... and most people still believe man was created by some higher being. LMFAO... how did the dinosaurs get here then? LOL especially considering man and dinosaurs never roamed the earth together... never. And did dinosaurs cause the ice-age .... LOL... my tummy hurts. :D

Everything is cyclical... oh, yes it is....;)
Just going to jump in quickly then run away because internet debates are the fail:

GW doesn't hinge on PDO swings, rather saying that the minimum and maximum values are increasing, therefore there can be periods of lower temps however not reaching that of previous lows. Furthermore the increases we are talking about in the range of 1-3 degrees, so when figuring in statistical anomalies it could be well into the next century for people to start legitimately pointing out that 'hey its still colder than x time'.

GW is an interesting topic, I'm sure a census collation showing acceptance/disagreement within certain demographics would show some unique results. I would be interested to see how many people who deny the existance of GW have read much (10-100) academic papers on the subject, or cherry-picked tidbits of pseudo science written by individuals without any science degree related to the field.

Kinda like those wonder cure for disease scams wherein their is no scientific backing, however the proponents beat the drum saying that the establishment is against their product/lifestyle choice blah blah because they have hidden motives playing into it.
In praise of Professor Bob Carter

I just finished reading "Climate- The Counter Consensus" by Prof Bob Carter ( Townsville Uni). A terrific book! Recommended if you want the facts. Bob makes the point that the real tragedy of the "success" of the AGW/ climate change mob in dominating opinion on this topic is that they are fixated on CO2 and AGW the point where we're totally ignoring, and hence NOT preparing for the other weather events. Events that occur to planet Earth, whether we like it or not. In Oz, in recent years, we've seen two magnificent examples. First, the Vic bushfires caught everybody unawares. Totally unprepared. Now the floods in Qld and Vic have done exactly the same thing. The "climate change" zealots ( media included) are so focussed on (possible) 2 degree temp change in 100 years, or a few ppm in the CO2 levels or a (possible) small rise in sea levels by 2100 ...that they totally overlooked 22 metres of flood waters coming down the Brisbane River system which will cost the community (Last I heard) $20 billion. THIS is the tragedy, and real cost of the "success" of the "climate change" zealots.
...How did the climate zealots 'success' worsen the floods? I think that's a tad insulting to those poor individuals who have lost family members and all their possessions to politicize such a catastrophe.

Back in '74 the floods still laid havoc without those pesky GW zealots.

You missed the point because you're so blinded by your AGW religion. (duhh, that's my point actually...) The zealots didn't make the floods worse and I never said they did.

What your mob did (with the help of the equally blinkered media) and CONTINUE to do, is focus on "all the devils" that "climate change" can bring in 50 years time to such a point that we overlook/don't plan for all the other weather events that befall us.

e.g. You read "a million" articles on 'sea levels in 2100'. But did you read ANY on the possibility of another huge Brisbane flood ? NO. To the absolute contrary. We even fooled ourselves that the Wivenhoe dam had "fixed" the problem. Further, we spent billions on a desalinator that sits useless. Perhaps if we'd sat down calmly and said to oursleves "Hey, this is one hell of a drought, maybe we should have a think about what is going to happen when it breaks...which it will do".

Pull your head out of your rectum and read some books.
LL, you've failed to realise that I have not stated that I believe in GW or the like.

I have merely highlighted the extreme politicisation of the debate (on BOTH sides, which is in by no means a good thing. Keep politics out of science.

Thanks for providing proof of such polarised dogmatism! :)
You missed the point because you're so blinded by your AGW religion. (duhh, that's my point actually...) The zealots didn't make the floods worse and I never said they did.

Don't try and fight them landlubber, it's a religion, and like all religions there will be the faithful. Use your energy to work out how to make money off them. Set up a Save the Planet website, or something, and sell pens with "fight Global Warming" on them for a hugh mark-up, so they get the warm and fuzzy feeling that they are contributing to a solution.

Just let them believe the "Global Warming" hype and get rich. Al Gore has.
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The thing is GW or not, the planets cycles aren't wiped out altogether yet. It'll still dish out floods and droughts for awhile yet, cold cycles, warm cycles , they say they'll be more extreme than ever so they'll still be around.
These have been happening for all time, Qld been floody forever too. Is there really any surprise. Things won't completely stop in only 70 odd yrs because of us.
But - would you really think mankind could do to the planet what we've done to this one and not totally stuff the place ?
Have you ever just counted or looked at exactly what we've done to this planet ? Write a list sometime , it's scary .
Ever stuffed a cars radiator , what happened , how does your body cope without it's circulation, or it's breathing , or it's hat = trees , could it cope ? Our wild life can't, we have more species becoming extinct than ever. No rocket science needed !.

Not to mention the fact that we've blown a hole in the sky , or is that just another cycle too ? How does a house cope with a whole in it's roof ?

Or , do you realize that when your in your bed , or when you go out to the country for a nice drive and your breathing in all that fresh air , that your "head" is actually buried in microwaves, the whole planet is , every creek , mountain, hide away .
Every time you see a phone tower or look at your mob' - just imagine a 6 kL radious of invisible micro waves going through walls , your head , air outside , even in your bed/r.
Once again the wild life know it and many bird species are dying out and the world bee population is down by 1/3 and sinking .
Or, Cold seam - brainwave . Bore even more monster holes into the earth only this time go deeper than ever - fill with toxic gas - brilliant! Skies full just chuck in the ground.

Dunno people we have a way to go yet before the GW fat ladie's sung.

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The artical was being sarcastic.. it was meant to be a joke, making light of the fact that 2010 was the hottest & wettest year on record

Of course global warming is real.. I'm not sure what motivates the deniers (money ? politics?) and how much proof they actually need.
Joe, an alarmist quoting The Age is like my wife citing my MIL. I don't listen to either as a "reliable" source. I could list a dozen Bolt blog posts but you would't accept them would you? What makes you think a sceptic will read The Age?
I gave up trying to convince others of the Global Warming rubbish Propertunity. It's like a religion to them.
Acceptance of global warming is a bit like the theory of evolution, there's plenty of evidence & the overwhelming majority of scientists accept it, but there are always going to be sceptics & conspiracy theorists. Usually it's the far-right that reject global warming & evolution, & cling to their religions.

Anyway, I put my money where my mouth is & sold my NSW coastal house 50 metres from the beach last year. With increasing sea temps large storms & cyclones will become much more frequent with the accompanying storm surges, flooding and erosion wiping out the value of these places if not the properties themselves.
there's plenty of evidence & the overwhelming majority of scientists accept it,

There are thousands of GOOD scientists who don't believe a word of it. When an alarmist cares to enlighten me on the science using reliable data I will listen but the above statement is an insult to my intelligence.
But Mr fish , you don't need scientists or data , just look around or write that list I suggested , it's mind boggling .


PS , I thought Mr Winston had returned reading start of this one until I saw the date .
there's plenty of evidence & the overwhelming majority of scientists accept it,

There are thousands of GOOD scientists who don't believe a word of it. When an alarmist cares to enlighten me on the science using reliable data I will listen but the above statement is an insult to my intelligence.

Agree, and sadly, their voice is suppressed. Doomsday scientists in this game have received huge research grants, titles, perks and positions whereas the scientists who oppose these theories have had their papers rejected for publication, their grant money discontinued and in some cases, have even lost their research and teaching positions.

Where there's a dollar to be made there's evidence is to support it's cause.