Spring Madness

Hi all,

Just curious, with all the hype about Spring Fever, what causes the peak in sales this time of the year. I'm guessing it exists, rather than just media hype but why?

Surely it's not just because the lawns are greener and the nice weather makes people happier, therefore more willing to throw their cash around...

I'm ready to buy my 4th IP. Should I wait until after spring or 'is there never a better time to buy?'

I'd be interested to hear people's thoughts.

Mate, I would suggest you buy when you can, no one truly knows when is a better time to buy.
At end of day, stick to your budget is more important compared to waiting for a better time
My theory;

People are generally creatures of habit - a flock/herd of sheep/penguins as well..

Winter is perceived as the bad season to sell; gloomy, gardens dull/empty etc...sellers are not keen; perception is they will not get as good a price.

Summer is Xmas, holidays, moving around - moving home because they have the time, the weather is favourable etc. Everyone's mood is up.

That only leaves Autumn and Spring.

Not sure why Autumn wouldn't be as popular, but I suspect that it ties in with Spring being the best time to buy so everyone can get the deal done and settled so they can get into the new house before..

*New Year
*School starts back, etc.

Apparently winter is a better time to buy because there are less Vendors, but even less buyers (going against the herd mentality, of course).
People want to buy and move in before Christmas or the start of the new year .

Warmer weather

When the market is hot , people get desperate for clarification so want to buy before Christmas as well . Whe. The market is poor sellers want resolution before Christmas . I know one invested who only buys in the weak before Christmas after watching what has gone on in preceding weeks .

After Christmas is not a bad time to sell as well , as people have reviewed where their lives are going over the Christmas break , so start looking after holidays .

Thanks for your comments. I guess as you say it's best to buy when you're able, get the best deal on the day and the rest will take care of itself.
People want to buy and move in before Christmas or the start of the new year .

That's how I see it too.

There seems to be a "get everything done before Christmas" mentality which extends to real estate. Not just purchasers either - we find a lot of clients wanting to refi, release equity, etc.

