Steve McKnights New Book....


Sorry mate. The "special offer" is $29.95- no postage or handling (normally $5)- plus first x copies personally signed.

I'd rather wait to find out whether it's worth $30. If it is, then postage is reasonable. If it's fantastic, it will be in the bookshops anyway.

If it's not then I've saved my $30.

Looking forward to a review!
Hi Watto

Thanks for that, I've ordered a copy this morning. I will let you know what i think, but, I am sure it will be good reading . . .

The www page says the Book has a money back satisfaction garantee - so if u did not like it u would be out of pocket $5 for return postage.

The author would retain a much larger proportion of the books sale price when they effectiverly sell it themselves. ie they get the bookshops markup which I suspect may be around 50% with the author getting a suprising small $5 (guess) per book

I buy a lot of books and if I do not think it is up to scratch, i take it back and ask for a exchange credit , which they just about always give.

Mmmm... Just went and had a look at the www page, it says book is $20 , but on purchase page it adds $9,95 for postage and handling , but easlier on another page we are told this is free???
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Ahhh, thanks all makes sense now! :)

That is why Steve will be on Today Tonight......tonight!

Nothing like a bit of free advertising, and good luck to him :)
I bought a copy at Reader's Feast, corner Bourke street and Swanston Street in Melbourne, for $29.95.
It's interesting so far, mostly how he got started in the first section....