Stocks/Shares websites?

Guys and dolls,

any ideas on good website that show stock and shares, we are looking at doing a margin loan on 20K cash purchasing blue chips any good recommendations, i'm sure there are some stocks/shares forums too? any pointers? cheers
I've done the same sort of thing as you're planning since the end of last year. Limited it to a small concentrated basket of secure bluechips with good yields and growth prospects. Have purposley stuck to a small group as I believe in the ones I've bought and their prospects, spreading the cash out over a whole heap of stocks will just reduce my overall return even if it is technically safer. Oh and by the way, I'm not an expert so don't listen to me! :D

Though I would be interested to hear people's thoughts on specific stocks as well - posting stocks in the open here will leave them open to plenty of bashing/ridicule and arguments so don't think you'll get many suggestions.

If you're planning on buying individual blue chips, why not take advantage of the info. you can get from your broker either via their research if you're planning on using a full service one, or the access to all the market data on a company if you're going to use an online cheapie.

I use ComSec which has all company financials for the bluechips (although personally I still trawl through their announcment's in case ComSec hasn't updated recently/properly) - it's good for a glance but I wouldn't trust it. You can go through the indexes and do a quick review of bluechips to see whether you want to research them further. eg. if you're looking for high yields, trawl through and see which ones look ok - once you have a small list you like, research each one further and check the dividend ComSec has is correct and all the rest of the things you want to know about the co. before buying it.
hotcopper is an interesting read , if you can sort through all of the ramping , if you find a stock just to see what people are saying about it But dont simply post a question like 'which shares should I buy' as people dont give that info out - well, they cant do that legally without a financial planning qualification.

Hotcopper is more of a gossip site if something is happening and you want others perceptions quickly. I usually dont take that site very seriously because of all the ramping though, unless you get to know the individual posters.
I'm presuming you wish to trade aussie blue chips?

Regardless i use - lots of good research within the site, as you have access to the intelligent investor and fat prophets newsletters and a few others. Although they seem a bit outdated now, maybe coz i dont have live up to the minute access anymore as i havent traded for awhile.

You can also filter through lots of stocks that meet your requirements with a specific yield etc

Hotcopper is always good for a laugh, but dont take any of it seriously.

Do your own research and pick stocks that meet your criteria, just because your best mate has xyz stock doesnt mean its right for you.

happy investing :D
theres only one good thread on hotcopper and thats the one I post on which returned over 130% in the last few months. Damn stock only has another 40% more then I'm out.
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click on the forum link.

X2 on the

For CommSec its getting to big, now looking for another provider.
Had them recently duplicate my margin loan on my account a number of times and took weeks to sort out. Try waking up to loan liability of 600 grand when it should have been only 200.
For days they insisted I definitely had a loan of 600 and it was only sorted when my accountant intervened.
Come 30th June the loan will be payed out and I move on.
I'd go with the ones who said sell everything, and go short some more end of 2008.
If there aint anybody that said that, your better off doing your own research and ignoring all that noise.