Strata Report

Hi all,

I've been searching on the forum and google for a company who will do Strata Reports in WA with little luck. Do they exist in WA or are they only in the eastern states? Anyone have any referrals?

Much thanks,

I don't have any referals but most conveyancing/settlement companies should be able to do a strata report?

Here's a link to a small pdf report found on the interweb which looks like a good example of such a report
So I contacted that company redwing linked to, and they said Strata Reports are not done for WA. Information regarding the strata is provided in the disclosure form 28 and 29 which is required to be provided to the buyer prior to the buyer submitting an offer for any strata property sale. This should be provided by the REA or vendor.

Here's the link to landgate for:

Form 28

Form 29

Also here's a link to ad document which has the Standard Strata Bylaws