Taibbi on Romney


P J O'Rourke

Hunter S Thompson

And a little bit of a quote about the traditional role of Rolling Stone from wiki

Rolling Stone is a U.S.-based magazine devoted to music, liberal politics and popular culture that is published every two weeks. Rolling Stone was founded in San Francisco in 1967 by Jann Wenner, who is still editor and publisher, and music critic, Ralph J. Gleason.

The magazine was known for its political coverage beginning in the 1970s, with the enigmatic and controversial gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson. Rolling Stone magazine changed its format in the 1990s to appeal to younger readers, often focusing on young television or film actors and pop music. This led to criticism that the magazine was emphasizing style over substance.

In recent years, the magazine has resumed its traditional mix of content, including in-depth political stories. It also has expanded content to include acclaimed coverage of financial and banking issues. As a result, the magazine has seen its circulation increase and its reporters invited as experts to network television programs of note

Google is a wonderful tool.
Rolling Stone have long been about real issues AND music.

you know, things that people like and are affected by? i would say politics and music fall into both those categories.