tenants wont mow lawn

Thank you for enlightening me, Buzz!!!

Methinks I must have led a somewhat sheltered existence - I've never heard of that particular connotation being placed upon that expression before! :eek:

Many apologies to anyone I've inadvertently offended by my use of that particular phrase - it certainly wasn't intended to be taken in that particular way!

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Agreed tizzy, except there is one more eensy teensy step.

Not only do you have to ask for the extra rent, but the tenant has to agree.

No "eensy teensy" step involved at all.

The tenant accepts the house at $460 per week including mowing, or they don't live there.
... or they don't live there.

Agreed, wylie.

Tenants may have all sorts of 'rights', but last time I checked, it was the LL who determines the conditions of the lease - and if the tenant doesn't like those conditions, they can find somewhere else to live! :D

Well the last threat (whatever the agent used, I suspect that the owner would include compulsory mowing in the next lease) has worked and they have mowed the lawn. I am going to start another thread about inspecting with the agent)
A couple of months ago we received a letter from the town. A neighbour from the apartment building across the street had complained that our grass was too long.
Actually, it was our tenant's grass that was too long.
They even had pictures of the lawn. Bylaw stated that grass couldn't be more than 3 inches.
Anyways, if we didn't (in this case, the tenants) mow the lawn, they would hire someone and send us (tenants) a bill.
Maybe, your bylaws work the same way?