The "back, crack and er____" waxed metrosexual monkey boys are out

'Metro gives way to muscle' in downturn

IT'S out with the metrosexual man and in with the hairy blue collar worker thanks to the global financial crisis.
One of the country's leading demographers, Bernard Salt, says that if evolutionary theory is correct, women have started - or are about to start - turning to stronger, bigger men.
"During the downturn the theory is that women are concerned about safety, security, food supply and so their taste in men will shift from the androgynous hairless metrosexual towards the more muscular primal hairy male,'' Salt said.
"It will unfold over the next 12 months or so.''

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Yeah have seen this unfolding over the last 3 years.
Lawyers are sharp useless insecure and underpaid
Doctors don't want to work full time and there's not enough metro GP training positions for all of em.....and the rest don't want to do regional.

And it took most women 7 years to wake up that tradies are the new smart money.

Meanwhile, I am shaving less, getting some dirt under my fingers in the vege patch, and doing the maintainence on the ride on.
Well I thought I might dip my toe in seeing as I did the 'How much hair do you have' thread for you chaps.

I have always been very partial to the long haired brigade being an aging rock chick/ex biker type and all but am trying to come to terms with hubbys male pattern baldness, poor thing has been wanting to go bald for ages but I make him wear his token remaining few white/grey wisps in a pony tail because I don't know how well I shall cope with a bald husband!

Not that there aren't some nice baldy men around such as the lovely Rob who has quite a nice shape of head but I suspect my hubbys bald head will turn out to be a far less attractive shape when it is completely naked!

Oh and as its about jobs he is in IT so I guess you were right Rob!LOL
Not that there aren't some nice baldy men around such as the lovely Rob who has quite a nice shape of head but I suspect my hubbys bald head will turn out to be a far less attractive shape when it is completely naked!

Oh and as its about jobs he is in IT so I guess you were right Rob!LOL

Aw shucks :eek:
My mini romance crashed and burned with a text message break up last night. Got to love that. Even got the obligatory "it's not you, it's me" bit thrown in, just for fun.
Anyway, it kind of underpins my assertion that IT geeks don't get (or keep) the hot ones.
I go to the gym most days and run quite a few K's a week, so I have to challenge Big Tone. There may not be a lot of us fit and muscular office types around, but there's at least one right here.
Not that it seems to have helped me at all.
There may not be a lot of us fit and muscular office types around, but there's at least one right here.
Not that it seems to have helped me at all.

Cheer up Rob - there's not much hope for ya, even if you are fit.....when you're as ugly as a hat full of @r$eholes ya can't have high expectations.

Best thing to do, is lower your expectations and hitch up with someone who has a "pleasant personality".

If ya need any more unsolicitored friendly advice - givvus a hoy. :p
Aw shucks :eek:
My mini romance crashed and burned with a text message break up last night. Got to love that. Even got the obligatory "it's not you, it's me" bit thrown in, just for fun.

Oh no thats terrible, we were all so excited for you!

It must have lasted all of a fortnight or was it a bit longer - I think you said before this is your usual time frame didn't you? We really need to figure out whats going on, now are you sure you're not gay?

Maybe you need to get a long haired wig and not shave for a bit. Do you only go for the hot chicks or do you look for personality and sense of humour? Maybe you need one with a really big sense of humour!
WW: you're quite right. I have to remember that.
Sparky: It lasted nearly a month! I have to say that I am usually attracted to certain attributes such as drive, ambition, intelligence, creativity, fitness etc etc. This one ticked all the boxes. She just happened to be a drop dead gorgeous blonde. When something seems too good to be true, then it probably is. I've learned that lesson!
And, no, I'm not gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Having said that, I did buy a big block of chocolate today. Felt an overpowering urge the rent Beaches on DVD, too. Maybe I'm just "sensitive"?
Rob, dont you own like 10 houses man?
You can get a woman easy. Even another drop dead gorgeous blonde if thats what your looking for.
I dont really buy what Bernard Salt is on about here because IMO if the financial situation is getting worse then women will look for someone who can offer them some financial security so I wouldnt rule out the nerds. I have studied 4yrs of psychology so I am familiar with evolutionary socio-biology but i think what he is talking about in this situation only would apply in a survivor-type situation on some island where they need protection and food to be caught rather than bought.
I have always been very partial to the long haired brigade
Just goes to show that we're all different... I prefer Marine-style haircuts or bald myself!

How fortunate; if we all had the same taste, we'd all want the same bloke/woman. :)

Rob, I'm sure that, with the assistance of Dazz's ... ah .... "helpful" advice, you'll be hooked up again within days. ;)