Trouble getting contract

A colleague is currently trying to purchase a property in NSW. Couple of acres in a regional location. Its been on the market for over a year.

He submitted an offer 4 weeks ago. It took the real estate agent nearly a week to get back to him to tell him the answer was no. Agent apologised for taking so long - she said she thought someone else had already rung him.

Friend puts in another offer ..they negotiate back and forth and finally an offer was accepted about 2 and half weeks ago. Each time friend had to chase the agent for a response until he put a time limit on his offer. Price is about 15k less than advertised. Offer is verbal, nothing has been signed.

Friend has been trying to get a copy of the contract for nearly 3 weeks. Each time my friend (and his solicitor) rings, the RE says the vendors solicitor will send it, however it never arrives.

He rang again today and the agent again said the solicitor will send it...still hasnt been received.

Do you think there is something weird going on or is the RE just incompetent?
If the property is over 5 acres the agent does not need a contract of sale to promote the property. The agent may be waiting on a contract to be drawn up. The contract is easily and quickly done, it’s the zoning certificate that can take a couple of weeks to obtain.

I doubt the agent has a copy, if they did, they could have sent it themselves. It is rather slack in either case. Personally, I would have a contract sent to any solicitor or buyer in minutes via email- It’s not that hard.
Thanks for your responses. Colleague received the contract yesterday.

He has no idea what the delay was - seems like the vendor is in no hurry.

Colleague is very anxious as it is his first property purchase. Oh well, hopefully goes smoothly from here on.