UFOs - Fact or Fiction?

I agree.

However in the infinity of time and space it is highly remote that two advanced technological species might meet at the same point in time and space ...

In the life of the universe our existence is but a brief spark in time.

UFO fact or fiction?

Specifically we are asking does life from another planet exist?

And, as Simon notes, that logic and stats imply to us it should, then the question is now, does intelligent life exist?

If intelligent life does exist then, are they of sufficient intelligence to travel space and perhaps time? I mean we are intelligent but manned flight we have gone to moon. Unmanned our own solar system. Distance wise this is like going to England and you have only got out of bed. You have only travelled that far, pro-rata.

If so, can they travel at arrive here when we have the technology to understand them as intelligent life rather than amazing creatures whom we would call say, Gods.

Go back 5000 years and we have no real records except of gods like Jesus, Mohamed, Budda. Many who end their visit with “ascending to the heavens”?!?! Often talking peace and harmony. Coincidence?

So it would appear intelligent life does exist. But whether such superior beings bother to stop to probe American farmers is ridiculous. That fantasy!:p

For those who disbelieve my logic then consider the alternative.

If intelligent life doesn’t exist anywhere else except here then we are the Gods.

Unique in this entire universe as the only intelligent life form. Unique because our earth was perfect to form us and sustain us for period long enough without disaster that we could develop intelligence.

So if this is correct, in the entire cosmos, then it is not us but our planet that is unique and if we are killing our planet?!?!?! Then that is scarier than any UFO.:(

Regards, Peter 14.7
UFO fact or fiction?

Go back 5000 years and we have no real records except of gods like Jesus, Mohamed, Budda. Many who end their visit with “ascending to the heavens”?!?! Often talking peace and harmony. Coincidence?

Peter your chronology is a bit off mate! From memory:

Jesus - birthdate around 5 BC (they were a bit off with their counting in the dark ages)
Muhammad - about 570 AD (or CE if you prefer)
Buddha - somewhere around mid 500 BC

Around the 5000 years ago puts us into say 3000BC which is in the 1st dynasty era for Egypt and a period of Sumerian ascendance in the Euphrates-Tigris delta region...

But I get your point!

Just a thought...

If God is all powerful, then life is not limited to a single planet and life is everywhere.

If life only exists on Earth, then God is not all powerful.

If God not all powerful, then he's mortal.

If he's mortal and came from elsewhere to seed the Earth with life, then God is an alien.

Fire away!
Michael G
Bring back Star Trek I say.....a great vehicle for educating a generation about so many things- ethics, diplomacy, making the universe a nicer place to be, conflict resolution with angry aliens, and how to nuke them when diplomacy fails.
Hi Folks
What we saw was physical stuff, It was something unexplainable.
When you guys experience something unexplainable too, you will then understand the feeling. We don't need to go down the God track so much as to just recognise that we don't know it all and probably never will.
Dear Simonjulie

My post was not to imply you had not seen anything. If I offended you please accept my apology.

In fact, I personally believe in intelligent life and do not discount they could be visiting our planet (even sight seeing) , the same way we vist a remote tropical island.

I also personally believe in god and respect every persons right to believe or to not believe, in a religion/faith/discipline.

I agree we will likely never know the truth on this matter.

Peter 14.7
It is interesting the instance of our Mallee UFO spotting was widely spread, (meaning so many witnesses) and it even featured (albeit a small column) in a local paper, but nobody was able to offer a possible explanation to what the very big and obvious sighting *maybe*....

I have been thinking about this, and Winston the Wolf I will kindly take up your info for the guy you said has such an interest, I realise we are a decade down the road but I would love to hear (somebody who has been around the block with UFO's thoughts on this)...thanks I will drop him an email.
Of course there are UFOs, unidentified flying objects, thousands of them, most get identified and are boring, the few that arent allow for wonderful speculation.
approximately plagiarised from Douglas Adams said:
It is known that there is an infinite number of stars, because there is an infinite space for them to occupy. It is known that many of them constrain planets. that some of the planets are uninhabited. therefore thare is a finite number of planets that contain life. Any finite number divided by infinity is zero. the average population of each planet is therefore zero. the people you meet each day are merely the product of a deranged imagination
It would be really dull if there arent LGMs,.
As for Mars, H G Wells already told us the Martians are susceptible to terrestrial bacteria. The bacteria on the landers from their assembly have killed off all the martians there is only the bugs left.

I really meant constrain, not contain, as force into an orbit