unconscionable conduct

HI all.. maybe this is a property solicitors question, with out going into too much detail. I signed a LEGAL PROPERTY DOCUMENT. while under the influence of a legal drug but have found out later, I was taking 6 times the required amount.!!!:eek:( I WAS STONED OUT OF MY MIND ON VALIUM) I know from my W.A. realestate days (years back) that a legal contact can not be formed with a person who is drunk or under the influence of drugs. Is it the same in QLD???:(

I assume this was recent...

Are you still within the cooling off period? (5 days)

Do you have a finance clause? Can you get out on that?

I know that getting out on the cooling off period will cost you a little, but it may be the easiest way.

If you are past this time frame (and I'd have to ask why didn't you panic earlier?) PM me and I will put you in touch with a phenomenal property solicitor or two.

asy :D