Unit comes with "placatory" flooring

perhaps but there is a company called "java" flooring but i have not seen one called parquetry? but knowing me i would have spelt it the same, ??
What rubbish advertisement anyway! The internet provides a great opportunity to really show a property... i could have written that description from diving past and looking in a window.
perhaps but there is a company called "java" flooring
Not out here, not on an old run-down 1920s house (floors out here are all either baltic or jarrah), and not with THAT real estate agent. They can't spell at all.

That said, my house was with a different agent and the advert described it as "Bargin Buying".
A beauty but it's a pandora's box you might have opened if we are going to scrutinize real estate agents' written skills (and the "effort" that goes into the ad copy and photography for that matter)

I think I might have a file somewhere...