US Government Shutdown

That could be the case Scott. To get back to the real world, it happened before in 1996 under Clinton but eventually got resolved after 20 days. I'm not so sure the outcome will be the same this time. At some point they are going to trip over that can they've been kicking down the road for so long - it keeps getting heavier each time!

Could be now or could be in five or ten years of course but these things have a funny way of snowballing from small triggers when there is enough pressure behind them. And there sure is a massive amount of debt involved here... will be interesting to watch anyway.
yes the first time I was in Hawaii in 96 I think it was I missed out on seeing the Arizona because the govt had run out of money and closed down non necessary activities... 20 years later it seems nothing has changed
But the US economy is improving... Just ask anyone :cool:

My guess is that they'll sort it, but it'll have a detrimental economic impact. The question is, how long and therefore how big an impact. NFI. But I'm not surprised and this won't be the last of the issue either... Kick...that...can.................. Hang on, whose got he can???
The republicans want to stop borrowing and get responsible with spending but Obama has attached his health care reform (which is not popular or working ) to this and refuses to allow any changes.

The repubs have compromised time and again but how much can a koala bear?

It's well known now that Unions are running away from Obamacare as job losses are coming thick and fast because of it.

This is the first shot from the Democrats in their 2014 campaign....blame the rebubs for everything and polarise the population. Bit like labor here and it does not work.
They'll just convert more polymers into plastic.

Problem solved. ;)

This is the really interesting thing for me. We all know that is not a lasting solution - something has to break in that system eventually. Yet global markets over the last few years seem to be based on the idea that we can just pretend that elephant isn't there in the room at all. Completely mystifying - I can only explain it if I believe that everyone is just holding on for the ride hoping they can get out just before the inevitable happens.

Or they believe the resulting inflation will be a good time to hold shares and will protect their (nominal) value at least? Mind you, holding cash would be a worse idea of course - my mindset is all about whether to use leverage or not so the idea of just having cash going spare in a bank account is pretty foreign to me!
Last time this happened, Monica lewinkski went to the Oval Office and distracted our attention

Very well researched and very true. Ole Bill thought no-one would be looking.

He's the one in Obamas ear telling him not to do any deal with the Repubs and then blame them for it all.

Terrible terrible man who lied under oath but got away with it.:rolleyes:

So, what thinks the brains trust? Just a temporary blip where someone will backhand the Tea Party and America will just get on with business?

Or will this turn into a full-on impasse over the debt ceiling and be GFC Mark II?

Myself, I have NFI... but am very interested in the outcome. There could be some buying opportunities coming out of this!

We have been down this road before perhaps 12 months ago I recall:)
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