water and electricity bill for 1 bedroom granny flat


I am got a unmetred 1-bedroom granny flat (1 bedroom,1 kitchen, 1 bathroom) to rent out to a single man.
I am not thinking of getting separate metres for electricity or water.
What is a reasonable FIXED charge to the granny flat tenant?
Is $20/week too much?
How much do your normally charge?

Thanks in advance
If the tenant doesn't pay they are unlikely to be careful about the usage.

If you find the bills are high consider getting it metered.
I just advertise rent including electricity.
If it is not metered it's illegal to charge water.

If both unmetred, does that mean I can only charge extra to cover electricity but not water? :eek:
Which law says that?
I thought I could just charge a reasonable amount to cover both electricity & water. :confused:
Be careful about rents which include extras. They will be compared by potential renters with equivalent units which don't include those extras- even if they've read the ad where it says "all electricity included" in great big red letters (people may even only be searching based on desired rent range).
Maybe do some maths....
Sydney costs are roughly $2.20 per 1,000L for water and 97 cents per Kwh.
Water for One man per week - 500L shower, 100L toilet, 100L washing, 100l cooking (guesstimate)
Electric - total wattage x 50hrs should give a good total use. HWS uses the most electricity....so this can vary widely depending on what you have installed.

Also - you can get some "inline" Kwh meters that show the total consumption for @$45 - maybe this is a solution for you?
They have to be wired by an electrician at the main switchboard or sub-board.