What is a Moity title

How does this differ from a strata and community title or is it just another term for one of these?

Thanks in advance.
You mean Moiety

Pretty much a SA thing.

In the Australian system of land title, the term is typically applied to maisonettes or attached cottages whereby the owner owns a share of the total land on the title and leases a certain portion of the land back for themselves from the other owner(s). Some finance institutions do not offer loans for properties on moiety titles as security.
from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moiety_title

You can read more about it & SS experiences here:
and here:
They make great buying opportunities if you can finance one. You can make invest in making a title change, then you're good to go with refinance or sale in order to realise a gain.
Debbie Williams wrote an article in YIP mag a while ago on that strategy. Can't remember which issue, sorry.
It's one of those "R" things they often talk about as a way of making quick and easy money on a property deal eg.
Rcan't remember the other ...
Thanks guys. The property with the Moity title I've spotted here in Adelaide may very well be the one 'bernly' was considering - it's cheap is in a very small complex and in a desirable suburb. It's also back on the market after contract failure.

I wonder how the tax implications would differ from this set up if at all?