What paper work do you get once your property purchase has settled ?

Hi guys.

Every property I have bought , not that there's been that many compared to many here , but they have all been under different circumstances and arrangements.

But one we've just settled is through the standard bank/finance and to settle - well , eventually it was anyway. You don't reckon it put up a fight though , took 7 mths to get through.
At one stage there with one of the many mix ups , I had to forward all the contracts and paperwork I had to the solicitors so that they had everything and it could be restarted and the problems sorted once and for all.

It's since settled thankfully , few weeks back , but all I have on it in paper now, is the actual thank you letter from the solicitors , saying the purchase is now complete and congratulating me , plus also including all costings and so on.
I didn't end up with a copy of the contract or much else as that all went back in as a last resort earlier so that they could sort it out.
So I don't even have the land or property details , original 32 anymore or anything much , haven't even heard from the bank yet about repayments .

What should I have on this one ?

All we received was the letter from the Solicitors (which I did myself as I work there lol) and the letters from RAMS who financed us.
You need -
-the front page of the contract,
-the settlement sheet (it shows what was paid, how much and to whom- rate adjustments etc)
-Tax invoices from anyone you paid money to (solicitor, pest inspections etc)
-loan paperwork.
-details of stamp duty paid.
In Victoria, when you sign the S32, the agent should be getting you to sign 3 copies (I think) - one for you, one for the vendor, on for your soli.

The Y-man
Thanks for the details guys.
Was a no agent private buy but as I say I gave them the lot hoping he'd sort through it all - should've seen this pile with all the mix ups.
Anyway contacted them yesterday after reading these and he's sending back my copies and info, pretty slack hey , can't win with those guys .
