where can i find a list of developers in my state ?

reason i need to find this is i have alot 1400-2100 sqm of land offerings near CBD and i want to contact all of them see what best price i can get. :)

this is adelaide.
reason i need to find this is i have alot 1400-2100 sqm of land offerings near CBD and i want to contact all of them see what best price i can get. :) this is adelaide.



Business Type: Real Estate Development
Location: Adelaide SA
push search button - 92 entries. Happy phoning.


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at 25 ? i wish, i would be millionaire hehe nah i convinced one neighbour to come on board, he/and his wife wants to move to country, and one older lady next door doesnt want to let go of her crappy house(really run down bad condition) lol, and i just renovated mine spent 5k on it and i aint complaining about selling.

all 3 houses are made same era everything insided is solid thick grade Jarah, apparently theres 10 grand + worth of wood just sitting there, each house.
thanks propertunity again ur very helpful. i'll start phoning sometime this week.